
Client Insights

Here, you'll find firsthand experiences shared by those who have trusted us with their projects. Take a moment to explore and see what our clients have to say about working with us.

“I have had the pleasure of working with Morten for more than 10 years, and he has been a tremendous support for my personal development and the development of my different, international leadership teams throughout the years. Morten is a highly skilled and experienced coach with a deep understanding of leadership theory and practices – and we have always shared a passion for creating cultures of trust, vulnerability and courage. Morten has been instrumental in my leadership journey building on trust, authenticity, purpose, kindness, energy, enthusiasm, inclusion, collaboration, inspiration, etc. He is able to create a safe and supportive space for the people he works with to explore their challenges and develop new ways of thinking and behaving.”

Bianca Bruhn,
CEO at Google Denmark

“I appreciate the training with Tina as an important mental playground, where we work with essential current themes and needs in an agile and curious manner from session to session. The coaching opens up for a creative freedom that I cannot achieve on my own. It allows me to establish a foundation, both theoretically and practically, for something I can go out into the world and experiment with. For example, it prepared me for my biggest and most important presentation yet, where my mental, physical, and emotional resources ‘worked together’ to handle an immediate stressful and intense situation. It was a fantastic and very educational experience. Fundamentally, I have gained greater mental resilience!”

Victor Folmann,
Founder & CEO, Gamerzclass, (now COO Metafy)

“Insight, connection, trust, courage, momentum, focus, team, empowerment, balance, honesty. While I knew these words before engaging with Morten, his guidance has transformed our approach to integrating these values into our leadership, personal and professional development. Morten’s impact is felt in every interaction, however small. He is consistently available, present, and professional, adapting to meet us wherever we are on our journey. He assists us in understanding our current position and purpose and guides us on moving forward as a team and for me as a father, a man and the CoS for Contractbook.”

Viktor Heide,
COO & Founder, Contractbook

“I often say that Morten is the person who has had the greatest influence on who I am as a person today, besides my parents. These are significant words, but nonetheless, I claim they are true. Morten has played a crucial role in my development as a leader, but also in the development of SOUNDBOKS as an organization, our culture, and, perhaps most importantly, our leadership team, which he has been coaching for the past 7 years. Without Morten, we would not be here today.”

Jesper Theil Thomsen,

“I’ve had the pleasure of working closely with Mojo Leadership and Morten Oure for many years. Their expertise in organizational development, both at the strategic and operational levels, has been a key factor in our success at Caverion Danmark A/S. Morten Oure and his team have not only provided individual coaching and guidance to our top management but have also facilitated strategic workshops, supported us in selecting top leadership profiles, and conducted recruitment-related assessments. The wide range of their services has strengthened our organization in various ways. Morten Oure has consistently displayed a professional approach as a partner, and his deep understanding of Caverion and our leadership has been crucial in delivering valuable advice and support. His methods, experience, and dedication have played a vital role in guiding Caverion in a positive developmental direction. I highly recommend Mojo Leadership to any company seeking expertise in organizational development and leadership consulting. Their ability to comprehend our specific needs and tailor solutions has been a valuable resource for us. Together, we have achieved results that have had a lasting impact on our company’s success.”

Carsten Sørensen,
CEO, Caverion Danmark A/S

“We contacted Mojo Leadership to assist with a focused development program where we could address specific needs within our leadership team while also laying the foundation for improved collaboration and individual development through clear feedback processes.
Over the course of individual interviews, mapping, and a concentrated final retreat, we succeeded in opening up dialogue and gaining crucial insights into individual potential and group dynamics. We practiced collaboration, feedback, and achieved a vital shared understanding of strengths, shortcomings, and opportunities in our leadership efforts.
Thanks to insightful and confident coaching from Morten, we created a platform that now allows us to continue working within the leadership team. Most importantly, we can establish the best possible framework for our employees’ development and job satisfaction.”

Thomas Hertz,
CEO, Stine Goya

“Evaluating the course with Tina, I have without a doubt, become better at making decisions, both personally and professionally. Recognizing and listening to the signals from the body as a foundation for decision-making has become much more important than I had imagined. Through active training of my attention, my decisions become more thoughtful and proactive rather than reactive.”

Jesper Skibsby,
Founder & CEO, WARM

“I’ve had the pleasure of collaborating with Morten for the past 2 years and ongoing. I greatly value his distinctive blend of coaching and direct brainstorming on business strategies. This partnership has provided profound insights into my values and behaviors, fostering self-awareness and alignment with my leadership style. I’ve grown as a leader, enhanced my leadership team, and even improved as an individual. Morten’s incredibly diverse toolkit ensures each session remains both unique and highly value-adding.”

Morten Schou,
VP, Deltek

“After going through a full set of sessions with Tina, I have experienced how practical and impactful the mindfulness training actually is. Now I’m truly more in touch with my body through my workday which leaves me much more open to myself and others and which helps me guide my leadership and decision making daily – especially in the moments where I get caught in my own emotions. Mindfulness has simply taught me to sense and respond rather than simply react based on habitual patterns.”

Hans August Carlander,
Chief People Officer, Soundboks

“COPUS partnered with Mojo Leadership three years ago to address specific cultural tensions within our team and embark on a journey of transformation and leadership development. Through monthly 1:1 sessions and Dare to Lead training with Morten and Tina Oure, we’ve experienced remarkable personal and professional growth. Embracing a shared language of vulnerability, we now engage in regular 1:1s with our team, fostering a culture of courage, curiosity, trust, and honest feedback. The implementation of personality tests has deepened our mutual understanding. Inspired by the insights from Dare to Lead, I recently shared our leadership philosophy on live national television, discussing courage and vulnerable leadership. Notably, COPUS has also tripled its revenue over the last three years, reflecting both our commercial success and the positive impact on our internal dynamics.”

Julius Gabel,
Managing Partner, COPUS

“Reflecting on my sessions with Tina, my body has become like a new dictionary that enables me to clearly sense and listen to my needs and boundaries. It has created more balance and energy. I simply stand stronger in my life, mentally, physically, and emotionally.”

Dorthe Hein,
Agile Transformation Consultant, Ugilic

“For me, the learning from mindfulness has been that it has ENORMOUS value to dare to pause and simply be in the present moment. It seems so simple when you think about it, that there is, of course, a connection between the physical and mental resilience that you bring to your leadership role at work and the quality your employees experience in your leadership style and communication. For have truly realized how much of our consciousness we either use dwelling in the past or worrying about the future. It costs energy and takes focus away from where we are RIGHT NOW, causing the body and mind to operate on autopilot with all the worries and patterns deeply ingrained. As a result, the necessary and lasting changes required to show up as a balanced individual at work are not achieved, and thus the conditions to be the best version of myself as a leader disappear.”

Michael Krogh-Schlichter,
Managing Director, Valtech

“Without Morten Oure, SOUNDBOKS would look completely different – if we would even exist today. When we started SOUNDBOKS, we were teenagers, and while the business continues to grow with increasing complexity, as a founding team, we have also gone through a steep maturation process as individuals. Both professionally as leaders and outside of work. When building a business in an upbeat environment, it can be challenging to stay true to oneself, and both internal and external conflicts inevitably arise. Here, Morten has consistently supported us, both individually, as a leadership team, and across teams in the organization. “Resetting after setbacks” has been a constant mantra for us, and Morten has patiently guided us through the ups and downs. I speak on behalf of many when I say that we are deeply grateful for the influence his coaching has had on our lives.”

Hans August Carlander
Chief People Officer at SOUNDBOKS

“Thank you, Mojo Leadership! for the outstanding performance you delivered for CathVision. Looking back at our strategic facilitation day, it felt like closing a captivating book, with long-lasting layers of reflection. Both of you are truly inspiring in so many different ways.”

Olivier Léonard,
VP Business Development, CathVision

”Morten has been incredibly special for me. He started coaching me when I was 20 years old and trying to build the development team at SOUNDBOKS. I knew very little about the technical parts back then – but this just took time to learn. What was really tricky to learn was how to create a high-performing team and build myself up to doing so with balance, calmness and ambition. He coached me 360 on my life and now I lead one of Denmarks most high performing development teams at Veo Technologies consisting of 25 engineers and designers. I have never left a session with Morten without believing I could reach the stars and find a way to solve even what seems like impossible problems. I would highly recommend Morten as coach to anyone, no matter the state in their life or career.”

Anton Husby,
Director of Camera Development, Veo Technologies

“Morten and Tina possess an unusual ability to create impactful workshops aligned with our organization’s ethos. Over the past 8 years, we’ve partnered on diverse programs, including Dare to Lead, offsite workshops, and personalized coaching. Their professionalism and relatability create a unique balance, making collaboration feel like working with trusted friends. Their personalized approach ensures every participant feels valued, fostering a sense of ownership and commitment to growth. In summary, collaborating with Morten and Tina has been transformative, transcending traditional boundaries to impact both professional and personal well-being.”

Hannah Costigan,
Learning & Development Lead, Soundboks

Inspired by

Frederic Laloux, whose book is a world-changer about next-stage organizations. 

Roger Martin, with dedication to Integrative Thinking and insights into how we can apply this in business strategy, creating excellent choices.

Robert Kegan and his facilitation and humor about Immunity to Change. 

Brené Brown, with the depth of her research on courage, empathy, and shame, and her dedication to transferring these insights into leadership development.

Richard Laier, Nick Craig, and David Deida in their commitment to The Power of Purpose.

Robert Hogan for the psychology of our personality linked to team dynamics and performance. 

Robert J. Andersen and William A. Adams for placing almost any relevant business theory into the Leadership Circle and relating it to Adult Development, Scaling Leadership, and business performance.

Teachers from The Jung Institute and Dispuk in Denmark for inspiring us to dig deeper and stretch further.

The Six Seconds Organization, for providing useful tools on the Emotional Literacy journey. Aarhus University’s Center for Mindfulness and the founder of MBSR, Jon Kabat-Zinn, for his profound and groundbreaking work.

VIA University College for laying the foundation for our body and mind groundwork, sparking the journey to pursue more embodied training, with the Strozzi Institute and Dr. Amanda Blake, who we see forming the future of Embodied Leadership.

The International Association of Facilitating, David Sibbet in Grove Tools Inc., and in Denmark, Vagn Strandgaard, for his playful mastery of facilitating.

Bottom line, we are practitioners!

And we love to witness the insights that inspire our clients to live authentically, recognizing how these efforts contribute to creating organizations as amazing as the people inside them.