Strategic facilitation

We design and facilitate senior team off-sites, stakeholder events, and strategy sessions.

Smarter collaboration

Our clients aim to eliminate bureaucracy, reduce hierarchy, sustain robust feedback culture, and enhance freedom and trust.

Our clients acknowledge that tensions are part of any team’s journey and growth process, and friction, confusion, and underperformance are natural.

They know that navigating productive conflict is crucial for a mature, engaged organizational culture.

Mojo Innovation

Mojo consistently develops innovative methods to dismantle barriers and reshape work for forward-thinking leaders seeking new approaches to solve complex problems.

Mojo equips our clients with conversational leadership skills to turn friction into productive conflicts, confusion into clarity, and underperformance into accelerated scaling.

Our Approach

Sometimes, we handle everything from planning to execution.
Other times, we bolster your existing plans, keeping the team on course.

We’re all about interactive learning, action based, context relevant, and peer-teaching.

Be it 4 or 100 people, our main goal is shared understanding and commitment to action.

Client Insights

“Thank you, Mojo Leadership! for the outstanding performance you delivered for CathVision.
Looking back at our strategic facilitation day, it felt like closing a captivating book, with long-lasting layers of reflection. Both of you are truly inspiring in so many different ways.”

Olivier Léonard, VP Business Development

Inspired by

Frederic Laloux, whose book is a world-changer about next-stage organizations. 

Roger Martin, with dedication to Integrative Thinking and insights into how we can apply this in business strategy, creating excellent choices.

Robert Kegan and his facilitation and humor about Immunity to Change. 

Brené Brown, with the depth of her research on courage, empathy, and shame, and her dedication to transferring these insights into leadership development.

Richard Laier, Nick Craig, and David Deida in their commitment to The Power of Purpose.

Robert Hogan for the psychology of our personality linked to team dynamics and performance. 

Robert J. Andersen and William A. Adams for placing almost any relevant business theory into the Leadership Circle and relating it to Adult Development, Scaling Leadership, and business performance.

Teachers from The Jung Institute and Dispuk in Denmark for inspiring us to dig deeper and stretch further.

The Six Seconds Organization, for providing useful tools on the Emotional Literacy journey. Aarhus University’s Center for Mindfulness and the founder of MBSR, Jon Kabat-Zinn, for his profound and groundbreaking work.

VIA University College for laying the foundation for our body and mind groundwork, sparking the journey to pursue more embodied training, with the Strozzi Institute and Dr. Amanda Blake, who we see forming the future of Embodied Leadership.

The International Association of Facilitating, David Sibbet in Grove Tools Inc., and in Denmark, Vagn Strandgaard, for his playful mastery of facilitating.

Bottom line, we are practitioners!

And we love to witness the insights that inspire our clients to live authentically, recognizing how these efforts contribute to creating organizations as amazing as the people inside them.